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There are many different ways you can get involved and it truly does take people serving at each level for us to serve our clients well!
If you don't have time to volunteer on a weekly basis inside the center, there are other opportunities such as church liaisons, special projects and more. Contact us to learn more. Together we can build a culture of life!
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12
We need the body of Christ to join us in this spiritual battle. Pray for our country, our state, our staff, our volunteers, our clients, and for lives to be saved.
Heart of tioga
14072 Route 6, Mansfield, PA 16933
Heart of Tioga is a 501-c3 faith-based non-profit in the state of Pennsylvania. We exist to help women and families experiencing an unplanned pregnancy by providing factual, life-affirming information about all their options in a safe, loving, nonjudgmental environment.